The Locks Loft en New York

Estados UnidosThe Locks Loft



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6228, Amboy Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-983-4002
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.52387, Longitude: -74.2136358

comentarios 5

  • Chris Christofilakes

    Chris Christofilakes


    Amazing talent there. Great hair cuts. They also hold a good schedule which is amazing when you’re busy :)

  • en

    Jodi Clark


    I have been getting my hair done by Melissa for 9 years now. She is amazing. I have never not walked away without loving my hair. She does the most amazing color and blowouts. The Locks Loft that she opened with her partner Sabrina has been her best place yet. The atmosphere is great and everyone is talented and knowledgeable. I highly recommend them!

  • Filicia Guitian

    Filicia Guitian


    The Locks Loft is my absolute favorite salon! I’ve been a client of Sabrina’s for many years and this is by far the best salon she has been a part of. I can rely on her color expertise and using the best products to make sure my hair is always healthy! Melissa, her partner, is just as amazing!, as is Michelle who is another stylist. They cut, color, style, special occasion updos, curls, extensions, and make-up applications too! They are kid friendly and also cut men’s hair. The salon environment is warm and friendly. I just love the personalized, yet professional, attention you receive from the moment you walk in the door!

  • Cheryl Ranieri

    Cheryl Ranieri


    I have been getting my hair done by Sabrina for years and have always been happy and satisfied. She gives great advice on style and color. I love the products she uses and my hair always feels and looks great. I love the location and atmosphere and highly recommend The Locks Loft! Melissa and Michele are also great and I highly recommend them as well! Overall great experience and friendly atmosphere!!

  • Victoria Hemsley

    Victoria Hemsley


    I've been following Sabrina for years. She is the best stylist and colorist I've ever had. I'm so happy she teamed up with Melissa, and, they decided to open their own place. They are an amazing team. Their location on Amboy Rd. is conveniently located and easy to park. The atmosphere is warm and inviting. There is always good conversation there. It makes the time go quickly. I've never left not looking my best.

Salón de belleza más cercano

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