French Twist Inc en New York

Estados UnidosFrench Twist Inc



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55, Page Avenue, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-4231
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5231449, Longitude: -74.2344629

comentarios 5

  • Valentina Ciraolo

    Valentina Ciraolo


    the best hair dresser

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    Theresa DiGiovanni


    I’ve been going to French Twist for years (my home away from home) I discovered the hair whisperer , the one who took my hair to a whole level of excellence , Britt Wanca literally works miracles as I say time after time, she has the magic touch ! She LISTENS, she advises & her technique of work is AMAZING. ( she is in the present) Slaying colors and style one after the other. You will never leave dissatisfied and always feeling like a million bucks ! Everyone always compliments my hair asking who and where , well never once did anyone say otherwise when going and getting royal treatment. Britt Wanca is the way to go

  • Cheryl Merenda

    Cheryl Merenda


    Brittany Wanca is awesome. She’s listens to what you want and will give you the best hair, but don’t be mistaken, she will let you know if what you’re asking is impossible. Great hair takes time! And she has fair pricing for her high quality of work! Def recommend!!!

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    richard ruggiero


    Renee is awesome. #23 years

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    Mary Valente


    Great Salon

Salón de belleza más cercano

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