Chic Blowout Bar en New York

Estados UnidosChic Blowout Bar



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4864, Arthur Kill Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-948-2442
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5235634, Longitude: -74.2385704

comentarios 5

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  • Joanna Smiley

    Joanna Smiley


    I had my wedding hair done here last year, it was me , 5 girls and two flower girls & they were awesome for that. Today I went in because it’s my one year anniversary & I booked only a dry style for $20. I ran a couple minutes late due to traffic since the gothels was closed (but I called to let them know). The girl who I picked to do my hair, not sure where she was but a girl from behind the receptionist desk did my hair. I picked dry style and brought extensions as I usually do. The girl put my extensions in and said okay all done... why would I pay $20 for a dry style to just have extensions in. Mind you my hair was pin straight and I went with all the leg work done. I asked her if she could curl it as I was under the impression that was the game plan to begin with, but she never asked me how I wanted my hair. She curled my hair , however just did big chunks and basically only curled the extensions and not my hair to blend in. To top it off, they charged me $30 instead of the orginal $20. Very very disappointed.

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    Nikki Hart


    In town for a wedding and the bride recommended Chic Blowout Bar for hair and makeup. Antonia did a fabulous job with my makeup and Kelly did a fantastic job with my hair. They were both friendly and gave me the look exactly what I was picturing in my mind! I definitely recommend coming here for hair and makeup!

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    Alla Kravets


    Best blow out I’ve ever gotten. Lasted me all week!

  • Amnita Must

    Amnita Must


    I was super excited to try this place out. But i was falling apart before i even got home to get dressed for the event. My hair can hold curls almost all the time. But when i got my "Maui" hairstyle it was frizzy and my curls died by the time i got home from the blowout bar to change for my event. Not only that but my lashes (that i paid an extra $12 for) were falling off not even an hr after i got my makeup done. Im pretty disappointed.

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