The Hotel at The University of Maryland w College Park

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Hotel at The University of Maryland



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7777, Baltimore Avenue, 20740, College Park, Prince George's County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 301-825-5020
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9870846, Longitude: -76.9351743

komentarze 5

  • Peppe Ragusa

    Peppe Ragusa


    Fantastic, brand-new property! Super comfortable bed. Great staff as well. The campus-facing rooms are a bit noisy because a busy road is right underneath, so next time I'll make sure to ask for a room without a view...

  • Antoinette Taylor

    Antoinette Taylor


    Very nice hotel. A large lobby with free parking if you are a guest at the hotel. Great conference rooms for any event. There are places to eat inside even if you don't want the hotel food on the menu. Metro accessible, handicap accessible, and friendly staff.

  • en

    Shayandev Sinha


    The Hotel made it's existence in the last two years. When I joined the University of Maryland 3.5 years ago this was not there. Now it exists and the building is really nice to walk by. It is picturesque and has nice architecture. It also has nice restaurants. There is Kapnos Taverna, Old Maryland Grill, one breakfast place etc. Some new ones are still coming up. College Park needed a place to hold conferences and meetings. Now we have got that.

  • en



    The hotel is owned by the University of Maryland and constructed very lavishly. It is expensive, but very modern and very good. Everything in the rooms including lights and curtains is automatically controlled. Their gym and indoor pool are very good. The pool is good enough to do laps. They also have many many ballrooms for any kind of event you want to host/attend.

  • en

    Kevin B


    I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. But if the pictures are not clear, this is an exceptional hotel! The stay was great. Quiet rooms, clean, room service, great view and located 30 minutes away from DC. What more can you ask for?

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