Howard Johnson by Wyndham College Park w College Park

Stany ZjednoczoneHoward Johnson by Wyndham College Park



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9113, Baltimore Avenue, 20740, College Park, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-513-0002
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0039878, Longitude: -76.930005

komentarze 5

  • en



    Just had my work van broken into and thousands of dollars worth of tools stolen. Obviously security was not doing his job properly. Now I don't have the tools to get the job done and out of work. This establishment has no empathy for my loss due to their lack of security.

  • Cecily Ruffin

    Cecily Ruffin


    No stars, I reserved the room and gave my roommate the second key because we were splitting up, her key would not work and the attendant refused to reactivate the key because I was not present, I had to catch an uber because I was with friends celebrating a bday at the Wharf getting ready sit down and eat, which cost me $25.00 each way, to go let her in, because she was sitting in her car. Never again will i stay at the Howard Johnson. Horrible customer service, wasnt willing to verify my info over the phone or anything. They never tried to resolve situation when I called corporate. Just gave me the run around.

  • Carl Nelson

    Carl Nelson


    I spent the night at the howard Johnson inn of college park and can't say there's much surprising about it, it's not fancy or "nice" but it feels a bit safer than some of the other cheap inns near by. In other notes the non smoking room smelled like it had been smoked in a few days prior, and they have cereal at the front desk but there is only two choices. All in all i wouldn't go back, but if you book ahead of time to get a cheap rate it's not a bad idea to stay here.

  • Christopher Deroche

    Christopher Deroche


    Affordable, reasonably clean rooms in a good location close to DC. Quiet setting with friendly staff and comfortable mattress.

  • en

    Judy Denny


    Kept telling me my credit card was declined even when the credit card company told here it was good . Beware they photo copy your card and won't give the copy back to you when you check out. A few crawling bugs. Breakfast not so good. Best part of stay when we walked in the room was cool. They had left the cooler on. It was a very hot humid day

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