The Gnarly Vine Wine Bar w New Rochelle

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Gnarly Vine Wine Bar



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501, Main Street, 10801, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-355-2541
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9090021, Longitude: -73.7817077

komentarze 5

  • en

    Meghan Fleming Ryan


    Used to be a great place to grab a nice glass of wine. Came back to revisit and were so disappointed. Wine selection good, service poor. Uncomfortable vibe.

  • YoungGodRa



    Great date spot very romantic great ambiance and wine. Loving this place

  • en

    Dave Martin


    Our friends told us about this cool wine bar so we decided to investigate. A friend purchased a Groupon for $50 worth of food plus 4 glasses of wine. When we (party of 4) sat down we asked if with the Groupon we were able to order any glass from the menu and the waiter told us yes. When the check came the Groupon was not applied. The female owner adjusted the bill a second time and it was still wrong AND she added a $28 misc charge she stated was the tip. She also stated that the wine was capped at $12 per glass. Our instructions and things to know from Groupon made no mention of any stipulation about wine prices nor mandated a tip. The owner was arguing with us that all of her "rules" were clearly stated in the Groupon which they were not. We ended up having to break down the check line by line and she finally acquiesced to doing what was right. We will never go back again.

  • Yamilette Tavarez

    Yamilette Tavarez


    Beautiful, dim lit restaurant/bar..great for a date. However, also a good laid back spot to hang w friends. Live music on Thursday’s and Saturday’s. Great selection of wine, staff is super friendly; Timmy is fantastic! Overall, service was great. The Marguerita Pizza was also really good.

  • en

    Maris Pfeifer


    The drinks here are unlike anything you have ever had. It can only be the work of true mixologists!! No matter what drink you order, you are sure to love it! As an added bonus, they have some of the best food I have ever had! I have always left The Gnarly Vine incredibly impressed and excited to go back!

najbliższy Bar

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