Patsy’s Pizzeria New Rochelle w New Rochelle

Stany ZjednoczonePatsy’s Pizzeria New Rochelle



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2, Pelham Road, 10801, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-365-2255
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9087129, Longitude: -73.7720521

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mario Andres Rodriguez


    It has a friendly staff. the location cleanliness was excellent. the ambiance was great for late lunch. the food was plentiful and delicious. desert even better. i Will return

  • en

    Kathleen Moody


    Extremely upsetting experience yesterday. Had reservations for weeks on daughter’s graduation day. When we arrived we were told reservation was given away to someone else for their party. Since we arrived early, we were allowed to use the table that we had reserved in the first place for a specific amount of time and then we’d have to leave. We shouldn’t have stayed at all but it was easier at that point. Fifteen minutes before our “deadline” a woman with grey curly hair came to our table and abruptly told my husband that they needed the table and we had to leave. She had the server give him our check. We were all stunned by her treatment. We asked to speak to a manager. She and another woman said they were both managers. Several of us voiced our shock and anger over this treatment to both. We were basically being thrown out of a table we reserved weeks prior for our daughter’s graduation dinner. No response except as we were leaving a family member told grey haired woman her treatment of our family was disgusting. She told him to have a drink and accused him of harassment and threatened to call police. This place doesn’t deserve anyone’s business.

  • Rilind Rugova

    Rilind Rugova


    Coming to this restaurant is an experience. I left the venue relaxed with a full stomach. The service is great, the venue is romantic, and the food is great too! Definitely a must go if you're in the mood for some pizza unlike any other.

  • Margaret P.

    Margaret P.


    Good wings and delicious but small slice pizza's. Service is friendly but very slow when they're busy but that wouldn't stop me from going back. Delicious bread pudding!!!

  • en

    Erik Tanner


    Haven't been here for dinner in some time, but recently had lunch w/ a couple of friends. We sat at high top in bar area. The food was very good and the service even better!

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