The Brazilian Cultural Center of Newark w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Brazilian Cultural Center of Newark



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275, Chestnut Street, 07105, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-420-2982
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7223661, Longitude: -74.164671

komentarze 5

  • #Pudim/Chorinho e Sombra Cdo

    #Pudim/Chorinho e Sombra Cdo


    This is my second house. Me and my kids are doing this for almost 3 years. The best teacher and mestre. The place is beautiful and the people who do capoeira two. For you know what I am talking about you need try the first free class and you will be thinking as me.

  • en

    Eliana Vasques


    Absolutely A-MAZING! Fully committed and determined group of amazing people that are more like family! They are family! Demonstrating martial arts, discipline, music, culture and FUN! for anyone and everyone! Much Love and Support to them to be number one in my opinion. Everyone should check it out!

  • Capoeira Capu

    Capoeira Capu


    Great place to learn Capoeira!!! People there are just awesome!!!!!

  • Aimee Jefferson

    Aimee Jefferson


    I've been practicing capoeira at BCC for almost 4 years now and I love it! I've never done any sort of martial art before and was nervous about learning something so complex as an adult, but it's gone really well. C.M. Cebolinha is a great teacher with lots of patience, experience and interest in creating a positive studio environment. Not only do I get an awesome workout every class, but we also learn a lot about the history and music of capoeira. Come check it out!

  • Christopher Rodriguez

    Christopher Rodriguez


    I've been training with the BCCN for a few years now and I love learning here. The teachers are a lot of fun and give excellent classes. Cordão de Ouro is a fantastic group with connections all over the world. I've made tons of friends in the north-east region and around the world because of them. I don't have kids, but the kids classes are super popular. They adore their teachers, have a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!

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