Golden Dome Athletic Center w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneGolden Dome Athletic Center


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

42, Warren Street, 07102, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-353-5474
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7395937, Longitude: -74.1743626

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anems Bubs


    Superb structure

  • Reggie Pierre

    Reggie Pierre


    Great gym with longer hours, clean facilities, and friendly staff

  • Neil Templeton

    Neil Templeton


    Excellent college gym. Swimming pool, raquetball, basketball courts, and large weight/cardio room. Open to the public.

  • David Wynter

    David Wynter


    I only visited the fitness center but it is Slightly bigger than all the gyms at Rutgers New Brunswick Five or 6 squat Racks and a similar amount of benches

  • en

    Faddel Chouman


    Ah, where do I even start with Golden Dome Athletic Center. Well, the best way to start is to say that this is the undisputed worst gym I have ever had the displeasure of joining my entire life. The equipment is old, and do not function properly. I'm not talking about one or two machines. Almost every single machine is broken or have ripped seats, all of the cables are not proper or even in weight distribution, the benches wobble, and the plates are not all uniform, leading to unmatched weights and a struggle to find matching ones. On top of that, the facility overall is DIRTY and smells disgusting. The dumbbell rack is an absolute joke. Weights are scattered along the entire gym with no effort made by the staff to rerack the weights whatsoever. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you, this is the laziest gym staff I have ever seen in my life. There are two or three working at the same time, and their heads are always glued to their phones or they are working out during their shifts. Are these the people you are supposed to trust with your life? Furthermore, a majority of them weigh less than my leg, so don't bother asking for a spot if you want to lift heavy, you will die. Good luck trying to find a dumbbell or even have space to work out too, not happening. The gym is a huge safety hazard and I'm shocked that it is even operational. The front desk and management treats you like absolute dirt after you sign up. If you forget your card, they refuse to look you up in the system and prevent you from working out. I really don't understand why this gym has good reviews, it is one of the most vile places on earth. Oh, and you have to pay for your entire membership in advance, with no chance for cancellation. Please, do not pay to use this facility.

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