Texas Roadhouse w Waco

Stany ZjednoczoneTexas Roadhouse



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2815, La Salle Avenue, 76706, Waco, McLennan County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 254-662-1177
strona internetowej: www.texasroadhouse.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.522659, Longitude: -97.133928

komentarze 5

  • en

    Glenn Bolt


    They usually are my place of choice. Waco Texas Road House has always been outstanding, but this time around our waitress dropped the ball. Totally messed up our order and not only messed it up never once came to check on us. After 10 min I got up to find a manager to ask to have our food returned and done right. Our waitress still never came to our table even after all that. I dont want anyone to not go there because of this review because they really are awesome. It was just the waitress not the establishment

  • Janette M.

    Janette M.


    Stopped to have dinner on our way to Dallas. Our waiter was great! Our food took a bit longer than what we would've liked but she was very attentive and stoping to ask if we needed anything quite often while we waited. Made the wait seem shorter. Unfortunately I can't remember her name to add it here. Food is always good at Texas Roadhouse.

  • Caleb G.

    Caleb G.


    Quite nice. Busy place, but you will understand why when you visit. Be sure to bring family and friends, as the experience only gets better, as they have many choices to pick and mix match. The food is wonderful and the staff are homey. A must if you love a good steak cook to your liking

  • Christina Paige

    Christina Paige


    This is the best restaurant in Waco in my opinion! This place has delicious reasonably priced food that is totally worth every penny! They even give you unlimited free bread! And let me tell you about that bread, my family is German so we know about bread, I swear this is the best bread in the whole world! The service here I’ve had nothing but smiling faces and quick service! The one time I had a slightly overcooked steak they sent it back and the manager brought me a new one in no time flat!

  • en

    Sean Gibson


    I would like to say that I've always given this location 4 or 5 stars but that's not the case. Over the last 3 times I visited this location I had given them 1 or 2 stars, I'm happy to report that they are back to 5 stars. The food was great along with our service, waitress was outstanding. The wait was about 15 minutes this time( with call a head), probably because apparently the local school was having its prom night.

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