Hooters w Waco

Stany ZjednoczoneHooters



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3921 S. Jack Kultgen Freeway, Waco, TX 76711, США
kontakt telefon: +1 254-752-9464
strona internetowej: www.hooters.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.510603, Longitude: -97.142479

komentarze 5

  • Genna Jones

    Genna Jones


    Hooters is good. I just stopped by for a brief second. The food is a bit bland but the girls and the service make up for it. Great place to sit with friends, sit back and relax.

  • Roman Guajardo

    Roman Guajardo


    Good place to eat and watch the games. Great Management!!!, always there to help if needed

  • J L

    J L


    Bartender is flighty on Weds and Thursday. Almost space cadet lvl. She had on a different person's name tag so can't be certain. It's sad really because I only go to Hooters because they usually keep my glass full. This makes this one a don't bother to return. Be certain when you keep a part time bartender that she will actually do her job.... Table girls are fairly friendly from previous visits, however the pours and the sketchy service are unforgivable.

  • Timothee Thackston

    Timothee Thackston


    Great place to watch the game. Stop by while passing thru on business to watch March madness. Had an amazing server, Melissa, to take care of me while I was there. Very beautiful and excellent taking care of my needs when there. Can't wait to come back again in the future. One of the better Hotters I've visited in a while.

  • Crystal Michelle Norsworthy

    Crystal Michelle Norsworthy


    The atmosphere and food were great. Everyone is super friendly. If you are into women then you won't be disappointed with that either. The only thing that I disliked was the prices. There's nothing below $10 other than the appetizers. Overall though it was a great experience.

najbliższy Bar

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