TC Tacos i Tempe

Forenede StaterTC Tacos



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119, East Southern Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-967-8226
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Latitude: 33.392184, Longitude: -111.9374588

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rachel Kruse


    I love TC Tacos. Barbacoa tacos are so good u really do recommend there street tacos Hats off to the chef. So good 🌮🌮🌯🌯

  • Kyle Lewis

    Kyle Lewis


    We had TC tacos cater our baby shower and only tried it once before. That was also after I had already arranged to have them cater our food. I am glad I went with this place on a whim because they make some damn good tacos. I just went there again the other day for lunch and again not disappointed. I had two fish tacos, carne asada, and I can't recall what else currently. Doesn't matter because they have great food and great salsa so just try it already.

  • Fish Rowe

    Fish Rowe


    Really good food, but I think 2.75 per street taco is a bit high... i keep hearing about chips and a salsa bar, but i got no chips with my order, and found no salsas bar to speak of. They do have several types of salsa, but pre-packaged. So far, umimpressed....

  • Camilo Maya

    Camilo Maya


    Awesome tacos. Loved the pastor & the asada. Great deals. Got 15% off and a free fountain drink when my order was over $10.i just texted tctaco to 51660

  • Kenneth Meyer

    Kenneth Meyer


    What a treat to eat here! Everything my wife and I have tried tasted amazing. I really love that their food is so fresh and made to order. Can't want to come over on a weekend, since they offer BYOB. This is a must try place to go!!!

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