Cervantes Restaurant i Tempe

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3318, S Mill Ave, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-921-9113
internet side: cervantesrestaurant.com
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Latitude: 33.3923071, Longitude: -111.9397382

kommentar 5

  • estevan bustillos

    estevan bustillos


    If there was a less than 1 star I'd give it that. Food sucked, had no flavor whatsoever. The venue it self was ok but the bar selling an $8 margarita was overpriced for what you get. I came and left unsatisfied. Would not ever recommend or eat at this place again with all certainty.

  • Deya DeWalt

    Deya DeWalt


    Quince on 9/8/2017 (Friday) Pros: facility will clean up for you and they have mariachis who will play a couple of songs Cons: 2pm facility time in contract and a week before the even we were told we could only come at 4pm (only 2hrs for self-decorating! very stressful) Told we can have as many tables as we needed. Needed just two more tables. Owners only willing to give us one more because they had a reserved dinner party in the front restaurant. Our party was only for 60 ppl by the way, even though they said they could cater up to 250 guests. We were told that we couldn't have a DJ but a party speaker was okay. Didn't even have it half way turned up and the owner kept telling us to turn it down. You could hear people talking over the music... The food had no flavor what so ever... They ran out of the chicken fajita and had to scrounge up something not even close to chx fajita. It was shredded chicken warmed up with some veggies in it. Very small portions for a Mexican restaurant! No outside alcohol is allowed. Bought a margarita for 8 dollars and tasted like nothing but margarita mix. Disgusting. Patron shot was about the same price but barely the ounce it should be. A bottled beer was around five dollars. Our party was wrapping up and we needed to get my 80-year old grandmother home. You have to exit through the restaurant to get to the parking lot. Since the mariachis were playing, my grandmother and I had to stand there and wait for them to finish their song. Once their song was over, we tried to start going but they immediately started playing another song. We waited almost 10 minutes...

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    Reza Ahmed


    Food is so good! Ordered the chicken nacho supreme, and it was a lot! Definitely worth it. Other reviews have complained about the chips: the chips are actually not stale, they are just thick and homemade. I've made my own chips before, and they are thicker and sometimes a little chewy depending on how long you fry them and how thick your tortillas are to start with. In my personal opinion the taste and texture is better than the common bagged chip style, and it's a rare treat to find it at a restaurant. For anyone reading these reviews and worried about the chips, they are most definitely fresh: homemade is just a little different from bagged. Staff are so nice! Felt right at home. Just caught the beginning of the Mariachi music, but wow holy cow! So awesome!!! Will be coming back as soon as i can with friends for the music!!! (And food... And drinks... And chips!!).

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    Ken S


    The family that operates the restaurant are awesome. We are greeted with hugs and smiles all the time. We love the food! The music is great and a great atmosphere. We go there at least 2 to 3 Fridays a month.

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    William Kosteckidon


    I had so much fun when I went here. I was met with nothing but great music, good food, and fantastic service.They even went out of their way to make me food after I arrived past 11. The staff were very kind and talkative and it was overall a great time! Highly recommend!

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