Tavern Lowry w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneTavern Lowry



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7401, East 1st Avenue, 80230, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-366-0007
strona internetowej: www.tavernhg.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7189602, Longitude: -104.9011098

komentarze 5

  • Teri Bustos

    Teri Bustos


    We keep going because kids eat free on Mondays and there are crafts, but I would rather pay for my kids food somewhere else from now on. Service wasn’t amazing and food was underwhelming and overpriced. The staff in the kids area were at least engaging with the kiddos.

  • en

    Alex Fields


    I've given this place a chance a handful of times and each time it's been very underwhelming. The food is average, maybe above-average at best, but is priced at a higher-end price. The service is usually sub-par at best, the bartenders are slow to get back to you even if you're waving them down. I've had errors on my orders before and each time I bring it up they act like it's a huge inconvenience to them to correct it. I'm pretty low maintenance but it's pretty clear a lot of the staff here seems unhappy/annoyed to be serving you. On a positive note, there are plenty of TV's in the joint if you're wanting to catch a game. If money is no concern to you, and you don't mind poor service, then this is the place for you!

  • en

    Cecil Cathey


    Don't order any takeout. I ordered a pepperoni pizza, and added olives and tomatoes. I paid online. I was delivered a plain pizza. But was still charged for the extra items. Called restaurant, talked to Justin and was told to call grub hub, and hung up the phone. Justin, grub hub did not make the pizza incorrect, YOU DID. I hope you and the owners choke on the money you cheated me out of. Stay far away from this place.

  • Jason Wissner

    Jason Wissner


    I had the steak and it was absolutely delicious. I didn't have high expectations considering the price but I was happily surprised. The food is super good and not very expensive. I also had the carrot cake which is equally delicious and I will definitely be back for more food.

  • Erin Harwood

    Erin Harwood


    I have had an iffy experience at The Tavern Lowry. The food here is pretty standard and moderately delicious, mostly average, for a high-end price. My experience with the service here is also terrible. You will be seated by the host and wait for someone to come take your drink order for fifteen minutes to half an hour. The servers are also unenthusiastic and don't seem happy about their employment. After that you will be waiting for any food you order from about forty five minutes to an hour. I would recommend this restaurant for ages 10+, and as a last resort.

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