QDOBA Mexican Eats w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneQDOBA Mexican Eats



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6110 E Colfax Ave, Unit 1, Denver, CO 80220, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 303-316-2693
strona internetowej: locations.qdoba.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7399128, Longitude: -104.9170746

komentarze 5

  • Meg Courtney

    Meg Courtney


    Simple, comparatively wholesome fast food. Staff could use some training regarding food allergy safety and procedures - we'd take more advantage of the proximity of we knew all our family members could eat there safely.

  • Rob Santoro

    Rob Santoro


    Food is always delicious and the staff is always friendly. Qdoba should clone this store whenever they want to open up a new branch.

  • James Gulka

    James Gulka


    Good food and fast. Their grilled shrimp and smoked brisket (when they have them) are delicious!

  • Matt Hamilton

    Matt Hamilton


    What happened to Qdoba? Such a bummer. I used to like them better than Chipotle but the past 3 years or so they have gone downhill. As they expanded and became more corporate the food is *much* less fresh and less appetizing. And their stores-- ugh, they used to be clean and comfortable but now they are always dirty and frankly look just as neglected and dirty as McDonald's and Burger King. Seems like more than half the tables are dirty every time I go in.

  • en

    Meg Courtney


    Service here has always been horrible for us die to our son's food allergies. Our requests for precautions and keeping foods separate have been met repeatedly with hostility and cynicism. At one point the manager looked me in the eye and lied about foods touching when I had just watched her do it. Yikes, so disappointed - and with a life or death situation for a small child on the line. Many other locations of the chain have been so friendly and accommodating so it's just confusing how awful this location is. Unfortunately it's by far the closest one to our home.

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