Talisman Jewelers en Old Bethpage

Estados UnidosTalisman Jewelers



🕗 horarios

748, Old Bethpage Road, 11804, Old Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-756-4653
sitio web: www.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7639809, Longitude: -73.4543682

comentarios 3

  • Cathy Miller

    Cathy Miller


    My Friend had a Ring Made There . it is a very special ring and has Great Meaning to Him . He was new in the area and we both went to Talisman Jewelers . we were greeted with a warm Hello from Frank , his wife and staff . Best Decision of his life . Frank Created a work of art that my friend Mr. Nielsen will keep in the family and hand down to his son . Diamonds you Might ask ? Yes , Beautiful and certified - this is a small store but do not let the showcase fool you . Frank is capable of anything and the prices are more then fair as he truly cares about the needs of His Clients and even if you choose not to purchase - its fine as the store and the staff always welcome you back with the same smile , knowledge and Cheer - look no further and if you want quality Then you have come to the right place . C Nielsen

  • en

    Hugh Gigante


    Creative hand made pieces . . . great people . . . reasonable prices

  • Starr Schamis

    Starr Schamis


Joyería más cercano

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