Solomons Jewelers en Plainview

Estados UnidosSolomons Jewelers



🕗 horarios

74, Manetto Hill Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-681-6111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7860419, Longitude: -73.4744306

comentarios 5

  • terri hyman

    terri hyman


    I think they are awesome and very fair on their prices

  • Minho Suh

    Minho Suh


    Changing a watch battery is fairly simple. It's the kind of thing most handy people will want to do themselves. I live nearby and called to find out how much a watch battery costs. I had already opened the watch and was ready to replace it. They quoted me $10 for something that costs less than $2. I understand they need to make a profit but that's just ridiculous. Why would you want to overcharge by so much on such a little item? Would it not be better to build a little customer relationship in hopes they come back for bigger and more expensive needs? Why would I go here for anything else if I know they overcharge by so much? Oh well... PS. If you need a watch battery in the area, check out Kim's Watches. They sold me one for $3. I am not affiliated in any way with that store. Just trying to pass on good information.

  • en

    edc qwe


    Cool service!

  • Ray Negron

    Ray Negron


    I just bought a cross and chain that I waited till the last minute to buy. They were very helpful and nice, they didn't have the item I needed and were nice enough to to overnight it. I will be picking it up tomorrow.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    I didn't purchase anything. Just got my dads watch fixed which was a easy process. The guys were very nice to me and great customer service

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