Taco Bell w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneTaco Bell



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10110, South 15th Street, 68123, Bellevue, Sarpy County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-291-3073
strona internetowej: locations.tacobell.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1592959, Longitude: -95.9359766

komentarze 5

  • SugarLovesFood



    When I visited last, there was only one person working behind the counter and 3-4 employees sitting in the dining area chatting. The Mexican pizza sauce is always burnt at this location and it's disgusting.

  • Andrew Hillger

    Andrew Hillger


    This is probably the best Taco Bell location I've been to in all of these United States of America. I've stuck to a rule of 3 visits before reviewing the establishment, and I have to report that this restaurant is making some quality food. The tacos are definitely the best tacos I have had at any Taco Bell location. Hard shell tacos, to be specific. Fresh tasting ingredients, crisp shell, and plentiful toppings. When Glen Bell started up the first Taco Bell, I think he envisioned what this location is putting out.

  • Doreen Brett

    Doreen Brett


    Food was great. Employees, not so much. Waited as the cashier carried on a long conversation with a customer who already received his order. Then finally took the next order, and she chatted with her too long. Finally ordered, and food was great, as usual although the Mexican pizza was very sloppy. While eating, an employee put rap music on, and turned it up LOUD. He came to the counter and laughed to a friend hanging out in the dining room. Overall not a pleasant experience.

  • Kenny



    Food was fresh hot and well prepared. The only reason of a saving grace of 3 stars. Couple ideas for management... Teach your staff how to greet and not sit there and stare. Then when the customer speaks first since we weren't greeted and the customer says they're there to pick up an order how about acknowledge it instead of just walking away. Then talking about a drug addiction to pain pills and swearing while my niece is with me is even more unacceptable. Hey management ... Manage better.

  • Daydreanne Loftis

    Daydreanne Loftis


    Friendly staff, always pleasant and professional. I've never had this location mess up my order. I tend to get the $5 box or the Crunchwrap Supreme- both great options. Plus the Baja Blast drink is delicious every time. Also love the chipotle chicken melt wraps- super yummy and great, even leftover. I miss the nacho fries but I'll get them again when they bring them back.

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