sweetgreen w Arlington

Stany Zjednoczonesweetgreen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4075, Wilson Boulevard, 22203, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-522-2016
strona internetowej: sweetgreen.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8801803, Longitude: -77.1086651

komentarze 5

  • en



    Sweet green has changed how I feel about salads. I went from eating a salad a year to one or two a week!

  • Timo K

    Timo K


    I love sweetgreen but this location has been very disappointing every time I come here. I live right across the street and have used this location 4 times now and each time it was a negative experience. The unmotivated and unfriendly staff doesn’t ask if your order is to go or if you want a drink, they don’t mix the bowl right and give you an attitude if you ask a question.

  • Ryan Swann

    Ryan Swann


    Great salad and great service. The app makes it easy

  • en

    Prithviraj Dasgupta


    Great salads. Had the Tofu salad called shroomami with Tofu, mushrooms, beets and quinoa. ..very delicious. Suggest to choose mild or medium dressing, skip the heavy dressing, to make the salad less greasy. Good sized portions, but not heavy. Great for a quick bite for lunch.

  • Julie Evans

    Julie Evans


    This location has EXCELLENT service. All of the staff I have encountered are friendly and do a great job keeping the (often long) line moving quickly. Specifically, Chad really helped me out when my order didn't show up in their system but I didn't have my phone to give him the order number. He made it for me in about 2 minutes and sent me on my way with a big smile! Thanks Chad!

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