Sweet & Sassy w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneSweet & Sassy



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216, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-670-0123
strona internetowej: www.sweetandsassy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9784819, Longitude: -74.114842

komentarze 5

  • Christine Tobias

    Christine Tobias


    The wonderful women that work at this place are nothing short of angels. My 8 year old daughter had her ears pierced here in January. Their process is down to a science and it went quickly without a lot of drama. Fast forward to today (6 months later) and her chronic fear of the holes closing and it hurting too bad to change them. After weeks of failed attempts at home i brought her back to get some help. They spent AN HOUR coaching, cheering, prodding and eventually assisting in not only getting her earrings out (which she and i did as a team - staff is not allowed) but Literally Wrestling new o es in. I highly recommend this wonderful place full of love and immense patience!!!!




    This is such an amazing place! I took my daughter here for her birthday and she had a blast! The party girls were great and energetic and they did an amazing job with all of the girls hair. We also did an ear piercing after the party and my daughter didn't move at all because of how feel the workers managed and talked her through it. I find it hard to believe that other people dint enjoy their time because Ive been there for my daughters party and I've attended as a guest and I didn't see anything that was unprofessional.

  • en

    RIchard Baumfield


    Just had my 7 year old daughter's ear pierced. Got a beautiful -- very sparkly! -- pair of aquamarine & 14k gold earrings for $55. The free ear piercing went great: they did both ears at once and positioned them well. The $55 included the piercing, a certificate with her photo on it, and the ear cleaner. The sales ladies were very nice to my daughter. All in all, the experience was exactly what we were looking for. My only complaint is that I was on crutches today for a broken foot and the building is not accessible. There is no wheelchair ramp and I almost fell down the stairs trying to go up on my crutches.

  • Stephanie Chan

    Stephanie Chan


    They have a toddler haircut special, good price. Ada is a great stylist - she gives my son a good haircut and is patient with kids. There's even a TV to distract and keep kids still, which is a plus. Been going to Ada for at least a year.

  • Deborah Garcia

    Deborah Garcia


    My daughter just got the Diva for a day package here today for her 9th birthday with Janet!! By far, the best experience we've had here yet. Includes everything from hair, nails, mini facial & makeup application. So so cute!! Janet was especially sweet. She really made her time here so special. We will definitely be back to see her & plan to come back & do this package again. �

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