Daisy Nail Salon w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneDaisy Nail Salon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6, Franklin Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-444-3220
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9811349, Longitude: -74.1195024

komentarze 5

  • Karitza Montero

    Karitza Montero


    My favorite place to go. They do great nails

  • Heather K.

    Heather K.


    I recently suffered a stroke and am impaired on my left side including my hand. Wanted a gel manicure and came to Daisy Nail Salon for it. When it became apparent that I was going to have trouble getting my left hand under the UV light without smearing the polish another worker, Terry, helped me get the left hand under the lights and keep it there while my manicurist Kim did the work. Without the teamwork of both women, it wouldn't have worked. Thank you for your care and sensitivity AND great manicure.

  • en

    Vanessa B


    Daisy nails did my nails a week and two days ago and if i could i'd post a picture bc they didn't last very long at all. 3 are missing already and not only did they charge me over $100 for this, the manager had the audacity to chase me out of the nail place after I had already paid and tipped, to ask for MORE tip!! I was apalled! when I originally asked them for this design they gave me an attitude and grumbled and complained the whole way through it stating they never wanted to do this again! I have never had such poor service in my life and have never had such a bad nail job done. Please save yourself the money the time and the frustration of going here this is just not worth it.

  • John Spellman

    John Spellman


    my friend is coming tm and if you dont give her the best god damn eyebrow job im coming in and single handedly bodying all of your workers

  • Mara Chomsky

    Mara Chomsky


    Good for quick mani pedi

najbliższy Salon piękności

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