Sweet Caribou w Anchorage

Stany ZjednoczoneSweet Caribou



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701, West 36th Avenue, 99503, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 907-223-5160
strona internetowej: sweetcaribou.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 61.1882963, Longitude: -149.8964496

komentarze 5

  • Margaret Sales

    Margaret Sales


    Based on the first macaroon from here, I expected all of the flavors to be the same consistency. The Mexican hot chocolate and the vanilla BlackBerry were very nice, the triple lemon and the pineapple coconut were dry and firm. Because this is my first experience with macaroons, I don't know which way they are supposed to be, but I prefer the soft and chewy ones.

  • Kimberly Gilhousen

    Kimberly Gilhousen


    Their macaroons are always delicious and fun flavors. Service is excellent.

  • en

    Danielle Taylor


    Macaroons making me macrazy. But really, an incredibly easy way to gain 10 lbs by eating all the cookies. They send their employees to France one time a year for macaroon training, and it shows. Each one is the exact same texture, and the flavor in every bite. The flavor options are hit or miss, but that's personal preference, not lack of culinary skills.

  • en



    Love this place! Great macaroons plus tasty salads for lunch. :)

  • en

    April Hoffman


    This shop is a little tricky to find as it is the first shop when you turn in off of 36th and the sign is hidden behind a tree - I had to call from the parking lot as I drove right past. When I called, the person who answered the phone said they had just closed for the day but told me to come to the door and they would help me. I received customer service above and beyond anything I expected! She double wrapped my cupcakes so they would stay fresh as I wanted them for a birthday occurring the next day. We have not tried all the cupcakes I purchased but the ones we have eaten were moist, flavorful and topped with delicious frosting!! Definitely recommend.

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