Fat Ptarmigan w Anchorage

Stany ZjednoczoneFat Ptarmigan



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441, West 5th Avenue, 99501, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 907-777-7710
strona internetowej: www.fatptarmigan.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 61.217857, Longitude: -149.891113

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tom Deal


    Excellent service. Very helpful with menu options, a good pie. I wish the bottom of the pie was crispy...the price point was a little high but that's expected of Artisan pizza. Otherwise more stars, I'm sure I will come back again.

  • Matthew Muir

    Matthew Muir


    Salads were decent, you can get smoked salmon on top. Steak strips on salad were overdone, and the server didn't ask how well done I wanted it. Ambiance was nice.

  • en

    Theron Burrus


    Comfortable seating and lighting with quick service. Jackie did nothing but smile and help us pick out some food and drinks since it's only our second visit. We will end up eating here more often for sure or even just stopping in for some wine!

  • S M

    S M


    The first time I had a pizza from here, it was very disappointing quality. Couldn't taste the toppings through the layers of carbon, yes it was very burnt. My pecan pie did not come with utensils; the gelato melted. Ordered via 907 delivery. A couple days later, I ordered a new pizza and it was actually really good. A consistent wood fired flavor without the excessive carbon coating. I've included the before and after photos. Good news: Management is very nice and is all about QC. I don't know if their ovens are too hot or if their cooks are too preoccupied on a Tuesday night-- but, they did offer to make it right. I would try this place again.

  • Liz F

    Liz F


    The pizza is very tasty - must try! The beer cheese is a nice change up if you’re looking for something different. I really enjoyed the paper table cloths that you got to let your inner child out and color on while waiting for your meals. Careful if you sit by the door in the winter - the drafts of people walking in can be chilly. The staff was amazing though and put electric heaters by our table to keep us comfortable.

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