Supercuts en Fort Worth

Estados UnidosSupercuts



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6738, Lake Worth Boulevard, 76135, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-237-0363
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.815002, Longitude: -97.436154

comentarios 5

  • en

    Zachary Hampsten


    Very slow workers and rude. If you want a good haircut it's not here.... Very overpriced

  • en



    Manager here can not cut hair for anything and doesn't pay attention to the consultation. She shaved off my husband's shoulder length hair when he asked to have 2 and a half inches trimmed off. Edit: I wrote this review to bring attention to that in the last year 2 other reviews have the same complaint. That the stylists at this location have cut off more hair then requested. My husband has decided he wants nothing more then to show his discomfort with this company.

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    Micheal Smith


    I went by after letting a "professional" stylist cut my hair and butchered it. Karla fixed me up right and even touched up my beard for me. This just became my one stop for any style needs. Super Cuts Lake Worth and Karla definitely earned a 5 start from me.

  • Misty Rampoldi

    Misty Rampoldi


    Rudy is a lifesaver... Fantastic high-N-tight!! I will bring my husband back. Thanks 😄 Rudy☆☆☆☆☆

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    Nicole Hart


    Took my son to get a very easy haircut, he just wanted a fade. It is awful. Cut way to high and it is not blended at all. My son is so upset that I took him there.

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