Super Clean Laundromat i New York

Forenede StaterSuper Clean Laundromat



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1169, Bay Street, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-447-4433
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Latitude: 40.6148091, Longitude: -74.066434

kommentar 5

  • en

    Charles Mule


    Its a large place big parking lot nothing special

  • Zarina Abdurahmanova

    Zarina Abdurahmanova


    Clean place, I always go there. One thing though, it seems like no machines dispense hot water, even if you choose hot cycle. I touch the water every time and it's always barely warm....

  • en

    Walter Fox


    These reviews are strange...5 stars cause it's open 24 hours. But 95 percent of them are. "Clean and efficient" is another 1. That isn't the case..if u open their washing machines you will see a foam build up from the wash before. I put my money in and the timer is working(of course)but water isnt going in the machine. So I lost about a min and a half of water going in from that. she came over and had to slam the door a couple of times to make it work..once I went to the dryer it really doesn't work as well as other places in terms of what level of dry it should be according to the amount of time you have used...they charge more and have less options of washer is this 5 stars?people are just clicking 5 stars and leaving it like doesn't make sense...I live around the block but I'm still going to drive a couple miles to a place I know is clean,efficient,and myclothes will be fully clean and fully dry for a reasonable price

  • Tom Klem

    Tom Klem


    I only had 5 towels in a huge dryer. Afrer 35 minutes, they were only half dry.

  • Flamur Bela

    Flamur Bela


    Gave them a chance a few times because of one old lady which she is so kind. Rude Staff, its not really clean. I almost got into a fight with one of the guys.

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