Sun & Ski w Plainview

Stany ZjednoczoneSun & Ski



🕗 godziny otwarcia

197, South Service Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-249-7980
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.785252, Longitude: -73.44854

komentarze 5

  • Y Y

    Y Y


    It was our first time renting the skis from this store and it was a terrific experience . The store manager was nice and patient. They spend good amount of time on each customer and the skis and boots are in excellent condition . We are a family of 4 and my two little kids each got a coloring book and a box of crayon. Highly recommend this place for ski rental.

  • Gizem Ercan

    Gizem Ercan


    I bought my skis & boots from Sun & Ski last week. Nolan was so helpful and friendly. Thanks to him I was able to find my dream ski gear. I also purchased helmet, mittens, and goggles from them last week. Overall, I am very happy with their service.

  • en

    F Dryer


    Nice one stop shopping for ski and snowboard gear. Large store to roam around in.

  • en

    Jeffrey D


    Went in there to purchase new ski boots. Arrived at 8:15 when they close at 9:00. The staff told me they couldn't help me as it would take too long and they close at 9:00. After leaving I called the manager to ask about this and she agreed that they wouldn't assist since it was too late. With the brusque way I was treated, I was seemingly an interruption of their day. I guess business is good as they have no problem turning away customers ready to spend money.

  • Jude Rich

    Jude Rich


    Gave the kids gift certificates to Sun & Ski for Christmas. Tim in boots section helped suit up the boys with snowboard boats and recommended a good starter set. He seemed very helpful and honest. We also rented skis for our trip. Folks in the ski shop were helpful and attentive. They recommended equipment tailored to our experience levels and the whole process took about an hour. We will be back at the end of the season to suit up for next year.

najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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