P.C. Richard & Son w Plainview

Stany ZjednoczoneP.C. Richard & Son



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203, South Service Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-694-3300
strona internetowej: www.pcrichard.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.785165, Longitude: -73.448097

komentarze 5

  • en

    Matthew Levy


    Joe is the best manager PCR has ever had. This man went way beyond his job to help me in a Memorial Day crisis . I will remember and recommend all my friends and family to see Joe for all their appliance and electronic needs. Thanks so much Joe for getting me out of a jam. God bless you .

  • en

    Nicholas Coppola


    Joe Ruggiero is the best manager we have ever encountered. He always makes us feel like family. We never have to shop anywhere else because we know we are never at risk with Joe. He makes PC Richard a great place to shop!

  • Maria Mir

    Maria Mir


    Joe Ruggiero the GM is a great guy and always willing to work with you to find you what you need. Don't hesitate about asking questions, he knows what he is talking about and will get you a great deal.

  • Michael Simmons

    Michael Simmons


    Super customer service, especially in today’s day and age. It’s clear that my salesperson, Phil Sterling, cares about his customers. He always takes the time to explain things and he never makes me feel pressured. I always try to support local business and P.C. Richard makes it a pleasure to do so. Their prices are always surprisingly low and competitive for a brick and mortar store - even when compared to Internet pricing. And most of the time their pricing meets or even beats Internet pricing! We’ve bought a washer, a dryer, a microwave oven, multiple stereo receivers, and more in the past. All of our purchases have been nothing but great. They are one of my favorite stores for sure. And so much that I felt obligated to write this review to return the favor for all the good experiences they’ve provided!

  • gingi79



    In the last five years, I have bought a Refrigerator, a dishwasher, multiple televisions, a washing machine and now a bed. My loyalty to this fine store starts and ends with their stellar salesman Ali. He is knowledgeable about every product he has sold us and provides honest reviews of their product line with no pressure to buy. He goes above and beyond to insure we get the best price and does the extra work and customer service to make deliveries fit into our busy schedule. All this while remembering our family, by name, every time we stop in. Ali is a throwback to the days when a salesperson valued the customer like a friend. I cannot recommend him highly enough

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