Stop & Shop en New City

Estados UnidosStop & Shop



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180, North Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-634-2687
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1560474, Longitude: -73.9875454

comentarios 5

  • en

    Dan Brown


    Everyone there are are great people and very friendly tp Everyone in the store are the friendliest people. I talk to all treating me like family

  • Gabriella F

    Gabriella F


    I love stop and shop. I've never had a problem finding everything I need. Even weird obscure ingredients are easy to find. All the prepared foods are delicious too and the staff are always sweet and helpful.

  • en

    Hank Mann


    Store well laid out. Products in easy reach. Store people will help getting high items and will bring heavy items to car --IF YOU ASK. HANDICAPPED PARKING .

  • en

    Stephanie Miranda


    I only shop there because its convenient and you can scan and bag while you shop. It's more expensive than shoprite and every time I go they don't have something. Produce isn't great.

  • en

    Alex Wang


    Stop & Shop always has consistently high quality food. Their prices are reasonable and there are often good deals and sales on food and other products. The facility is always clean and well lit. The self check out machines make shopping and paying easy and peaceful. There is such a wide variety of food that I always find something I feel like buying. The deli consistently serves good, fresh meats and cheese and the workers there are always incredibly nice and efficient.

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