Back To Earth Natural Foods en New City

Estados UnidosBack To Earth Natural Foods



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306, South Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-634-3511
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1368263, Longitude: -73.9902749

comentarios 5

  • en

    M D


    This health food store is definitely the best in the area. I love going here because Back To Earth has the best smoothies ever. The food is always fresh and the cashiers are always excellent.

  • David Oster

    David Oster


    Great health food store!!! they even carry local Rockland honey

  • en

    Duncan S


    I go here once or twice a week, they are quick to order items if you need them, the staff sets them apart from the rest, a good customer experience. Open early.

  • Margo Saj

    Margo Saj


    Been there few times to buy some good organic food for my baby. At first I was happy with good selection of fruits and veggies but as I started coming more often and trying to buy more things, I could see the store is actually horrible. Constantly EXPIRED products on the shelves!!!! Milk, baby yogurts, spoiled and ROTTEN vegetables, juice with floating MOLD in it. Mentioned it once to the cashier, second time and third... Apparently manager of the store is too busy flirting with cashiers. Will NEVER go back!!

  • Vernon Morris

    Vernon Morris


    Great place to pick up organic goods , prepared food. Also love their juice bar!

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