State Farm: Tony Petrozzella i New York

Forenede StaterState Farm: Tony Petrozzella



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24427, Merrick Boulevard, 11422, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-723-9500
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.674377, Longitude: -73.728188

kommentar 5

  • Bertha King

    Bertha King


    When I called the agency, I Spoke with Marie, She was very helpful in answering my questions and scheduling an appointmemt for me.

  • en

    R.J. Huneke


    I have been a client of Tony's State team for many insurance services over the past few years and Marie and the team's ability to followup with me to go over everything and make sure the service is not just up to par but above and beyond is just amazing! I want to thank Marie personally, as she has continually reached out to make sure everything is as good as it could be for me and my family and I appreciate that very much! Thanks Marie and thanks to Tony and your whole team!

  • Billy Bloodbath

    Billy Bloodbath


    Marie reached out to me , made sure everything with my car and my information was updated and running smoothly. She was so kind and accurate, I literally pulled over on the side of the road just to write her this review. I EXTREMELY value great customer service, and Marie is the prime example of that. Thanks again!!!

  • en

    Ralph S. Murphy


    I have renters insurance and pet insurance for the first time. They've been nothing but great and perfect however there is still little room for improvement. I have received updates on my policies on the regular with no issues!! Thank you mary G!!

  • en

    Lucy Baglivo


    Everyone from this office is always helpful. Marie has been very patient with me because I keep having to reschedule my appointments! Thanks for doing such a great job.

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