James Piscitelli - State Farm Insurance Agent i New York

Forenede StaterJames Piscitelli - State Farm Insurance Agent



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36, Merrick Boulevard, 11422, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-723-1616
internet side: www.jamespiscitelli.com
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Latitude: 40.6738568, Longitude: -73.7355435

kommentar 1

  • L



    Such a horrible place when I mean horrible it's beyond horrible. The staff in there doesn't know how to speak to people you asked for a call back from the office manager you'll be waiting for days or better yet you'll be flat out told that nobody is going to call you back, is this really a business ? They have no problem in taking your money but yet when you want to cancel your insurance with them they don't follow through and do their job. I will never go back to this location or even think about going back to State Farm. They need to learn how to speak to people with respect and watch what they say because at the end of the day they don't know who they're speaking to. Don't even think about putting your foot in this place you'll be wasting your time and energy and money to get poor customer service. I bet next time they'll be sorry for what they did trust and believe. They don't even try to work with you not even match your rate compared to another Insurance Company. I'm warning you just stay far away

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