Starbucks w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

80, Birdsall Road, 10589, Westchester County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-628-5602
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.342362, Longitude: -73.7578586

komentarze 5

  • en

    Wildboy Test


    Hi my name is Nick I stopped at your Starbucks this past Friday instead of yorktown where I usually stop in the morning but they kept messing up my latte so I came in to your Starbucks this is my 3rd time and the girl that helped me her name is Barbara .She was very sweet and friendly ... So I have asked her to put me on to another drink ... and she turned me on to the new drink cold foam cassara cold brew... I was very impressed with the taste and how much time she took with me to make sure I was happy ... Even tho she was by herself with a line of people ...I just wanted you all to know what a very satisfied customer she has made me ,,,, sincerely , NICK

  • en

    Michael Fennessy


    Starbucks. Good coffee. Kinda messy

  • spoopydumpling



    Perfect place to catch up with friends or relax. Casual attire and drinks for any occasion. Most of the workers are quite friendly and helpful.

  • Rachelle S

    Rachelle S


    The staff here is a little slow for Starbucks , so if you are needing a coffee fast maybe pass on this particular Starbucks. But they do a great job making my coffee (it just takes a while)

  • Skie Rocco

    Skie Rocco


    This Starbs is in a very convenient location, right inside of the Stop and Shop. Great for getting the coffee fix, but unfortunately no seating option. If you just want the coffee to go, this is a perfect location. The staff is also really nice and makes drinks exactly the way I'd expect from a standalone location.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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