Starbucks w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2139, Summer Street, 06904, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-325-4607
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0668363, Longitude: -73.5453304

komentarze 5

  • Christina Lozada

    Christina Lozada


    I was asked for a soy cafe vanilla frappuccino, while making the frappuccino the barista was going to put the soy milk inside the regular milk blender where she had already made one for my husband. She was asked to put it in the one specially for soy, she was annoyed by that. She then asked me was I really allergic to milk or did I want soy just because. Not that it was any of her business that I have a lactose intolerance I paid for it and she was annoyed just to do her job. She gave us a vanilla bean frappuccino which has no coffee I had to explain to her and her manager what the meaning of " cafe vanilla means" first Starbucks I went to with such rude staff.

  • Niquita Tamara

    Niquita Tamara


    I went to this Starbucks today and I asked for a skinny vanilla latte WITH ALMOND MILK! I did not ask for it hot, so I asked the woman if she could just make it iced. She happily said yes, however, she proceed to throw shade by not complying with my order. I am lactose intolerant and yet she put REGULAR ASS MILK in my iced latte. I am currently severely ill because of this experience. I will never be going to this Starbucks ever again. The service was appallingly bad and the customers were incredibly rude as well, as one woman repeatedly stared at my cousin and I. The experience here was terrible.

  • Alison h

    Alison h


    Slow, often grumpy service at this Starbucks. One or two members of staff make a nice exception to this...but not many! Great baristas regardless.

  • en

    Shola Akin-Olugbade


    Nice calm experience and lovely Earl Grey tea. Great location too

  • Enrique y

    Enrique y


    Great service and pleasant atmosphere.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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