Spa 505 w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneSpa 505



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505, Hicksville Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-241-6622
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6770957, Longitude: -73.4747709

komentarze 5

  • German Espada

    German Espada


    The lady I had was not good.

  • genevieve faustin

    genevieve faustin


    Foul odor... but other than that the massage was relaxing

  • en

    Viviana King


    Jut left. Got a 30 min reflexology and 60 min body massage. Not amazed, although she was very thorough. I have been in spas similar to this one, and they are not luxurious which is OK with me, however, when you go to get a massage you expect silence. I could hear everyone talking and even the person who was working with me was talking very loud. Her phone rang in the middle of the session, she answered and put the speaker on to talk with the person, not a long conversation but wth? Also the towel they use to clean off the oil was semi hot and I could feel my skin burning a little bit!! I paid with a gift card ($75), the price was $70. I asked her to apply the 5$ left towards the tip and then gave her 10$ more Cash, for a $15 total =20% she was texting, got the bill and laughed and said 10 bucks? And left me there... Great experience...




    Great service, however they charge me for a hot stone which they did not deliver..

  • en

    Raqiya Shoaib


    I couldn't believe the experience I had here. I called after I found a deal on LIvingSocial. The deal was for a $60 deep tissue massage but there was a limited time additional 8 dollars off on the site. I called before purchasing to see if they could take me and my mother later that day and mentioned the deal. Anne said that I could pay the Livingsocial price at the location at the time of my appointment. My mother and I drove an hour to get there and when I got there the woman at the front desk had no idea what LIvingsocial deal I was talking about and so I showed her. She proceeds to call Anne at the other store location down the street who says the deal is for $60 even though I'm showing her the special offer. The woman tells me the prices are higher at this new location because of the grand opening and I have the option to go to the other location, to which Anne who is still on the phone says "no I don't want them here." So I agree to pay the $60 despite having the option to purchase the deal on my phone. After I agree to $60, she says "its $60 if I pay with cash." Which made absolutely no sense. So my mother and I decided to leave, at which point she says "you can pay with card if you show me that you have cash for gratuity." I could not believe it. This was the grand opening and this is how they treated customers.

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