Beauti Affair Salon & Spa w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneBeauti Affair Salon & Spa



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22, Central Avenue, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-654-9696
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6771458, Longitude: -73.4714023

komentarze 5

  • Cathy McCabe

    Cathy McCabe


    I love this salon! The loveliest owner does threading ,makeup and facials. She even does radio frequency skin tightening. The stylists are amazing and very talented . From color and cut to balayage and updo. They can do everything ! Come try it you won't be disappointed .

  • en

    Karen Gleeson


    Beautiful place, Donna is an amazing stylist, and Simi is the sweetest. They squeezed me in last minute for extensive color, highlights, lowlights, blow out and curl. I hate spending a lot of time at a salon, but they made it a great day. My hair looks amazing! They both blew out my hair because I had a graduation to go too. Highly recommend this salon!

  • en

    Liz Wilson


    I went for a facial today. Simran is amazing it was beyond my expectations. Relaxed me to the point where I didn’t want to get up. My face looks great, just in time for my 60th celebration! Can’t wait to return Friday for my Makeup for the big party!

  • en

    Miriam Lopez


    Every time I go to Beauti Affairs Salon I experience great results. Donna does a great job with the coloring and cutting of my hair. Simran always gives me advise on different products and recently did an eyebrow tinting that left me beyond happy. It’s always a great experience for me when I come here to get pampered. They always make you feel comfortable and like you have known them forever. Love them!!❤️❤️

  • Kathleen Schrader

    Kathleen Schrader


    Simran, Donna and the entire staff make every experience here so special!.... professional, creative and caring, they make you feel beautiful, inside and out... threading, facials, hair color, styling and blowouts -- they keep me "spit & polished" and always smiling...all at a great price and worth every penny!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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