SouthState Bank w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneSouthState Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11760, Haynes Bridge Road, 30009, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 770-212-4602
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.068475, Longitude: -84.2941021

komentarze 5

  • Cornelia Johnson

    Cornelia Johnson


    Outstanding branch! Love the staff.

  • Ramses Batista

    Ramses Batista


    I would drive for 2 more hours if I have to. But not there again!

  • Khali Simmuah

    Khali Simmuah


    Extremely rude teller was not very helpful at all I ask to have a check written and mailed to a roofing company she asks for my ID and when she opened my account then all of a sudden she needs a ssn just to verify it’s me and I have been a member for 14 years no one ever needs your ID and SSN because it’s all going to pull up the same information. She told me she couldn’t mail the check to the company and I told her I had that done before when I purchased a car she said oh that was a loan then I explained to her I don’t use loans to purchase vehicles she says oh well we don’t do that here. She seemed very disinterested in helping me I ask her if there was another branch around she named a few and ask would I like to use them I said yeah that’s fine she gives me my id and I leave. The entire time the banker was there did not intervene to ask if he can help seeing that she did not give good customer service. I wouldn’t suggest anyone visit the branch cause the treatment seem to be a common practice

  • Jake Masic

    Jake Masic


    Employees and bankers are always super nice and helpful when I go here. Not sure what the other reviews are on about.

  • Ricky Garcia (J3SUSonST1LTS)

    Ricky Garcia (J3SUSonST1LTS)


    wouldn’t bother coming into this location. get profiled trying to just cash a check. wasn’t even a check of a large denomination. they created a huge ordeal to then have to hand me the cash. never have had this happen in my life and have cashed checks many many times over what this check was for. at all costs i would steer clear of this branch. the discrepancy i have faced this morning has now caused me to arrive late onto one of my jobs and make me look poorly to one of my customers so thank you for playing your games. 31 minutes to simply cash a small check.

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