Sound Insight en Huntington

Estados UnidosSound Insight



🕗 horarios

382, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-271-4434
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.869321, Longitude: -73.425876

comentarios 4

  • en

    Rodrigo Gonzales


  • Julio Fernandez

    Julio Fernandez


    Overall great service and attentiveness to detail. Extremely happy with the results and very appreciative of Sound Insight's assistance with my family's home theatre.

  • en

    Bill Kelly


    I did some research on line for putting in a Home Theater and realized I would be better off finding an experienced person to help me pick the equipment and deal with the actual installation (so that it wouldn't become a 12 weekend-long project). I found Sound Insight and thought since they were local I would give them a shot. I met with Fred Kaplan. After a brief discussion about what I wanted to do, we arranged to meet at the house for Fred to size up the requirements and present a quote. Fred did an excellent job. His pricing was reasonable. (In fact, the projector he recommended was $100 less from him than the price I found on line and the other items were all reasonably priced, as well.) HIs work was fast (one day installation), very neat and the system works great. When he first put in the system, I wasn't available to meet with him and I didn't have the cabinet in place to hold everything. He came back (twice) to show me the system and to help re-setup things when I got the cabinet in place. If you want someone that is very knowledgeable about these systems, can work with whatever budget you have in mind, and is happy to provide after-sales service, you should consider Sound Insight. I would highly recommend them.

  • en

    Rick Selkirk


    I recently finished building my new home in Lloyd Harbor NY and after interviewing several custom Installation businesses I gave my job to Sound Insight. I couldnt be more happy and thrilled with my systems! The owner was on the job from start to finish and with a few tweaks at the end I now have a complete home automation system that will make me and my familys life easier, safer and more enjoyable for years to come!Just so anybody thats looking they put in a KILLER home theater and amazing music through out my entire home. I never wrote a review before but from start to finish everything went so well I had to voice my opinion. GREAT Job to the whole crew and Its so wonderful to have a part of my build that didnt give me any loss of sleep at night. I would reccomend them anyday, anytime to anyone out there!!

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