Cristina Music Studio en Huntington

Estados UnidosCristina Music Studio


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22, High Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-223-8433
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Latitude: 40.867546, Longitude: -73.426559

comentarios 3

  • Dennis Pereca

    Dennis Pereca


    Being in the piano business for the past 40 years as the owner of the Pianotek Company in Huntington NY, I wholeheartedly recommend Christin Music Studio for higher level piano instruction. Her ability and professionalism in teaching piano as well as the extremely comfortable and welcoming learning environment is very impressive.

  • en

    Brianna Malloy


    My daughter has been attending Cristina Music Studio for a year now, and we couldn't be happier. She takes voice and piano lessons. All the teachers are absolutely wonderful. So professional and great with kids! I highly recommend!

  • A. Waldall

    A. Waldall


    Cristina Music Studio consistently yields positive results with children and young adults across a wide spectrum of ages, abilities, and personalities. Cristina herself is goal-driven and always comes across having the perfect balance of warm encouragement and toughness, as catered to the needs of the student. The business has only thrived since its inception and will continue to do so under her direction. She holds professionalism and work ethic to the highest degree and it shows in the quality of the students' output. Her vast experience (which includes being on Broadway, herself) and education speaks for itself and she seems to hire and work alongside those of the same tenets, making the studio a powerhouse for musical ascension.

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