Sossi Formals w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneSossi Formals



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Newburgh Mall, next to Sears, 1401 Rt. 300, Newburgh, NY 12550, США
kontakt telefon: +1 845-566-0303
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5169432, Longitude: -74.0711262

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aleen Hosdaghian


    Sossi Formals is owned by my parents who have worked in the business for over 35 years. My brother and I owe everything to mom and dad’s hard work and dedication (even grandma would sew any last minute alterations needed so people would look their best!). They treat everyone like family. Large corporations like Men’s Wearhouse try to locate and put out small businesses like ours. Please help support small family-owned business for your prom, wedding or formal event! And if you have in the past, Thank You, and please pop in and say hi, mom usually remembers everyone!! 💕

  • Jumal Campbell

    Jumal Campbell


    Stay away, what is the sense of getting fitted and the guy gives you all the wrong things.. Guys breath smelled like spoiled milk and cat litter.

  • en

    Alberto Dorado


    If a man go a place like this, is because need help. The attention is horrible. The person called manager has no manner to attend customers.

  • Kimberly Crill

    Kimberly Crill


    Do not go here. My husband's tux for our wedding was so long on him and looked ridiculous. They also tried to charge one of our groomsman $40 for being 1 day late dropping off his tux. And after he refused to pay they threaten to come after us, the bride and groom. Who does that? Just don't go here.

  • en

    Steven Martinez


    Suit was fitted incorrectly, customer service was poor, employees had attitudes, never returned my $20 deposit for my rental, overall disrespectful and poor service

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