Sophie Nails Spa w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneSophie Nails Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1116, Smithtown Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-812-0008
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7700801, Longitude: -73.109189

komentarze 5

  • vaping tiggy

    vaping tiggy


    Always pampered and find the staff to be extremely pleasant and attentive to my every need. Best nail spa ever....I travel a half hour just to go here.

  • Maria Escoda

    Maria Escoda


    Great service and fair price. Coco and Jack are a married couple who own the place and always make you feel like family and accommodate your needs

  • en

    K Laurie


    Owned by jack family! Jack and his crew always do a phenomenal job! Go here every two weeks for years!They are very clean!My gel nails stay perfect!There is NO POLISH on my skin , LOL,was happen to see that girl,ridiculous...Lovely place.I am very satisfied .The best part of this nail salon is filled with happiness and pleasures!!!

  • en

    Lara Gruber


    I wouldn't even give it a star but I have no choice. This salon is completely unsanitary. Their equipment is dirty, they don't wash there hands after they are finished with other clients. I had to ask for one of the girls to please wash their hands after she just finished someone's pedicure, so gross!! The owner is also rude, when asked if he could please keep the door open for fresh air because the fumes are very strong in their salon, he wouldn't. Do not go to this salon!!!! The prices may be cheap but you get what you pay for.

  • K Bass

    K Bass


    Options and Hours! Love that these guys are open on Sunday, and have super cool options! Almost every trend you can think of. I wanted a service that ended up being a little expensive (for me, not everyone), but still, very cool. The shape of my nails came out a little thicker than intended, and there were a few little imperfections in the polish I feel could have been avoided with slightly more care. But overall, GREAT service and availability. She listened, and did her best to deliver. I was able to walk in 5 min late for my appointment, and get a pedicure right then. No waiting. Can't ask for more on a Sunday!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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