Lemon Tree Bohemia w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneLemon Tree Bohemia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1095, Smithtown Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-567-1568
strona internetowej: www.lemontree.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7694136, Longitude: -73.1083069

komentarze 5

  • en

    Isabel Kohler


    Friendly and great

  • en

    Jordana & Chris Dory


    Very nice staff. I didn’t wait for my haircut at all. They’re open 7 days a week.

  • Gene Staudte

    Gene Staudte


    Great staff and great prices

  • en

    Jayme S


    Do not go here! I went here for a trim; I have long layers and an angle. I saw Dee and she was so nice. I went home and dried my hair and it was so uneven!! I made an appointment to see Dee again the next day to get it fixed. I was waiting a couple minutes past my appointment because she was "busy" dying a coworkers hair! The receptionist then said she would help me. She starts cutting my hair, and the woman getting her hair dyed comes over and starts yelling at her. "No! You never cut hair like that. You need to cut on an angle. Never cut straight!" She finishes and then I tell her no, you didn't fix it. So the coworker with the dye in her hair says come in my chair, I'll try to fix it. She tried but said there is nothing we can do. The receptionist chopped it and I cannot fix it. Dee was looking at it too and said she's right, its too bad and there's nothing we can do now... Now I'm stuck wearing my hair up until I can find somewhere else to go. DO NOT GO HERE. AWFUL!

  • en

    L Percoco


    I always love coming to this place!!! Not only is staff especially Linda sweet and friendly but the other clients are too. On more than one ocasion i made new friends. It is a great atmosphere and the service is extremly satisfying.. you will definately be happy going here and i highly reccomend it you will be glad.. thank you..be back soon...

najbliższy Salon piękności

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