Sol Beauty Salon i Stamford

Forenede StaterSol Beauty Salon



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219, West Avenue, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-353-9550
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Latitude: 41.0460622, Longitude: -73.5583444

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cathy Dillon


    I am loyal.. ❤ and happy .😊 Rachel gives me a good price for a simple hair cut. 😊

  • Silvana Cipollone

    Silvana Cipollone


    My daughter and I have been coming for years and we are very pleased with the services. The products used are all natural and the best available. It is a very comfortable and nice environment that offers many different services. The many coloring techniques are outstanding and the hair cuts are always the latest trends. I highly recommend Sol Beauty Salon.

  • en

    Christina Viveros


    Always a great experience when I come here. Sol and her staff are so sweet and very attentive. Fair prices and love the Brazilian blowout hair masque!

  • Marigold Fairweather

    Marigold Fairweather


    Have had an amazing day, today, thanks to Raquel, amazing hair artist par excellence, at her salon: Sol Beauty Salon, in Connecticut, USA. Fortunately, she’s in Melbourne, & has transformed my wild & woolly head, into one that feels fantastic! I feel sooo different! Once I get used to the new “look”, I wonder what else will change! Thank you so much, Raquel, you are an amazing artist, and a beautiful, wonderful woman! So grateful for this new experience!

  • Lynne Hone

    Lynne Hone


    I have been going to Sol Beauty Salon for many years now. Sol got me started with organic hair coloring - no ammonia or chemicals. My hair has become thicker and more full bodied as a result of this natural hair color. The staff - Sol, Raquel and Paola are wonderful- I love going there! They do a great job for a reasonable price!

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