Fanny's Beauty Salon i Stamford

Forenede StaterFanny's Beauty Salon



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76, Stillwater Avenue, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-353-0458
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Latitude: 41.052047, Longitude: -73.5491975

kommentar 5

  • en

    Iliana DC


  • en

    Rocco Buchetto


    I've been going to this salon for quite sometime and always am very impressed. Fanny is a sweetheart and her sister and all the other hair dressers are very good! I've noticed throughout the years these gals take their time and don't rush you in and out! Very attentive to my needs per haircut and they also have a convenient nail care section. I've been going to Fanny for over five years. I am confident this spot will always be my go to. Kudos to Fanny and the crew.

  • Bellephare



  • Daniel Campos

    Daniel Campos


    I would give it 0 stars, but 1 will have to do. I've been going to this salon for year! They always knew how to cut my hair right, and I enjoyed going there, great people! The downfall was that Fanny falsely charged me for a haircut I never had. (I have proof because I still have a head full of long hair, and not even a shape-up. I even still have my side burns and beard growing, they usually trim it for me when I get a haircut) I called my bank to tell them that isn't correct, and now fanny wants to create a law-suit against me for 20 measly dollars. She is at some sort of low in her life for pursuing this even after a whole year. I'm very dissapointed, given that I have been going there for years. If you go to this salon, use cash. I wouldn't use your card.

  • al king

    al king


    Maria, she is hot and sweet, does hair real good.

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