Smiles on Broadway Dental Care en Malverne

Estados UnidosSmiles on Broadway Dental Care



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116, Broadway, 11565, Malverne, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-599-0883
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.674568, Longitude: -73.670951

comentarios 5

  • en

    Donna Gettenberg


    Dr. Salem is a new dentist for me. I have been going to this office for many years and have always had the finest dental care. I am happy to say that dr. Salem continues on the tradition and expertise that I have been used to. I will continue driving from Long Beach without a doubt. Also, the staff is excellent. Christa, the office manager was a tremendous help to me. She is a “find”!! All in all, so happy for this office!

  • Malcolm Black

    Malcolm Black


    This Dentistry is magical. I've been to a few practices in my years on this Earth but this place is special. Very welcoming and just good natured. I have no problem leaving Brooklyn to be treated wonderfully and not like a number required to produce numbers.

  • en

    Marybeth Lott


    I love this place!! Great friendly professional atmosphere. dr. Salem is kind compassionate and creates beautiful smiles. Dr. Pena I see also she is fantastic loves my kids and it is always fun to come see her. Call today for an appointment, you won’t be sorry you did.

  • Daniel Dabek

    Daniel Dabek


    I am so glad I came here. The folks are super nice and caring. Dr. Pena really took time to explain everything before hand and put me at ease. They are truly amazing and I was able to walk out with a big smile. Thank you!

  • en

    Sammy Williams


    Dr. Pena and the entire staff at Smiles on Broadway were amazing!!! The attention to detail and the level of care they express to their patients really is impressive. I've never been to a dentist office quite like this. I'm glad I made the decision to come here and will certainly encourage anyone else in need of a great dentist to come and pay them a visit.

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