dr. maria casvikes en Malverne

Estados Unidosdr. maria casvikes



🕗 horarios

322, Hempstead Avenue, 11565, Malverne, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-593-7818
sitio web: www.dentalmalverne.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.676395, Longitude: -73.668221

comentarios 5

  • James Musella Jr

    James Musella Jr


    I've had a lot of dentists in my lifetime, but Dr. Casvikes is by far the best. She's smart, funny, sensitive to the patients needs, explains everything clearly. Dr. Casvikes and her staff are second to none. In fact, I sometimes stop by just to say Hi. So, if you're looking for a Dentist, you're in luck because you just found the best kept secret of Malverne...Dental Works!!

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    Very patient, professional and doesn't push unnecessary care. Friendly, helpful staff. Can't speak highly enough.

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    Anne Wuthenow


    Both my husband and I see Dr. Casvikes and are very happy with the care that we receive there. She takes her time, addresses all your concerns and is very thorough. The office staff is very accommodating and helpful with making appointments and with insurance questions. Overall, the office, staff and doctor are wonderful and we love going there.

  • Lisa Giuliante

    Lisa Giuliante


    This is the best dentist ever! Dr. Casvikes is caring, gentle, and very patient. Vicky is very informative and kind. I wouldn't go any place else. If your looking for a great dentist try Dental Works.

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    Diane Campbell


    Dr. Casvikes is the best!!!!! She is gentle, caring and very knowledgeable! Her staff is friendly and always accommodating!!! Please, if you are looking for a new dentist try Dental Works!!

Dentista más cercano

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