Смил Сентер i South Farmingdale

Forenede StaterСмил Сентер



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918, Main Street, 11735, South Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-420-1177
internet side: farmingdalesmilecenter.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7135891, Longitude: -73.4332435

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Leong

    Matthew Leong


    The dentist was very rude to me. I don't even know why but I have decent teeth I'm 33. He said I can not be your dentist your teeth have too many issues. I didn't even have any work needed to be done! Racist possibly in Chinese rude and unprofessional definitely. The cleaning they did was also one of the fastest cleanings possible. If my teeth are as bad as you say then why wouldn't you do a better cleaning job they barely shaped the teeth no fluoride. My insurance pays for a full set of exrays he cheated the system by taking 4 pictures. The new place I go to takes a pic of each tooth individually. Don't come back, my pleasure!

  • Robert LeViness

    Robert LeViness


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    Monica Flores


    This is a terrible place! Don't go there!!! The dentist is extremely rude!!!! If I could give him a 0 I would..

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    James Kalinowski


    We have been going to Dr. Desouky for many years now. We are very happy with his professionalism, his pleasant personality, helpful and curious staff. He has always worked with us on payments and has been more than fair with pricing. He has accommodated us whenever there was an emergency. We highly recommend him.

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    Lindsay Winter


    Do not go to this dentist!!!!- he is only out for money. I went for a cleaning and he gave me the worst cleaning ive ever had, was in the chair for maybe 5 min, he said that is what was covered with my dental plan. I know that is a lie, i have had cleanings done under this plan before. He than told me i needed a cleaning that would cost money, dismissed me from his chair and told me good luck! very rude and unprofessional.

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