Dr. Munzer B. Kara, DDS i Farmingdale

Forenede StaterDr. Munzer B. Kara, DDS


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1111, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-756-5656
internet side: karadentalgroup.com
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Latitude: 40.708881, Longitude: -73.4278737

kommentar 2

  • en

    Allie Shakof


    The Kara family are the most warm and welcoming family owned dentistry I've been to. Dr. Kara truly cares about us patients' comfort, and most importantly no pain! He is such a wise, intelligent, and professional Doctor at NYU and his office. He walked me through every step of the way, and encouraged me to learn about what he was doing. Through out the process he was making jokes and raised my stress by being humorous and patient. I had to go through an operation in my tooth that took a lot of time and effort. When I experienced pain a couple of days later, he came to the his office to see me at any day, any time, to resolve my pain and discomfort and ensured me he won't let me leave disappointed. He was right! I'll put it this way, when it was time for me to get dental insurance, I picked my insurance program based on my doctor rather than the other way around. I would 100% come back to him with out a question. Thank you so much Munzer and Mirna Kara for the loving hospitality. I appreciate all your hard work and kindness!

  • Michael Falvey

    Michael Falvey


    Wow! This is a brand new, state of the art facility. Dr. Kara was patient, insightful and passionate about what he does. He explained the process and what i was in need of, all while exploring right away, with his wonderful staff, if and how my insurance would come into play. You can tell how much they care about what they do and that they are excited to offer this area with such a great new way of dental and oral care. 3D image machine and all live interactive computers. If you want the newest and best, I highly recommend it as I can't believe I stumbled across this place. Oh and I am 38 with a boat load of cavities through the years so I speak from experience. Haha

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