SmarTech i Medford

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1579, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-887-5005
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7955841, Longitude: -73.0065457

kommentar 2

  • Massimo Caradonna

    Massimo Caradonna


    The owner Jason and his team are true pros the have helped me with all my residential home audio video needs as well as corporate video wall and security camera system installation. If you are looking for quality work by a co. That cares about its reputation give them ring . They do everything from lighting to home theater Commercial Sound and surveillance cameras you won't regret it

  • Ava caradonna

    Ava caradonna


    My dad Recommended these guys to me to install a sound system at a bar i recently purchased in New York City , I had a few companies come in and give me an estimate and decided to take my dads recommendation even though some of the other guys were a tad bit less. Boy i Have never been more impressed they worked into the early hours of the morning sometimes 15 or 16 hours per day to make sure we met a deadline the system sounds amazing our customers are raving about it we are in the process of building a new lounge in an upscale nbc hotel and will be sure to use Jason and his Smartech crew for all of our Audio and Video, and lighting needs

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