Slices i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2212, Park Road, 28203, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-200-2617
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.200069, Longitude: -80.852474

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eric Pyatt


    I have reviewed all of the comments regarding Slices and for those of you who have had a negative experience, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the ownership team. However, the tread is consistent when it comes to the quality of the pizza. We take pride in making sure that our pizza is a cut above everyone else's. We are also in the process of expanding our hours of operations and will begin serving lunch soon. If you have had a bad experience at Slices of ANY kind I would like to meet you and discuss how we can make things right. Ask for me! We look forward to serving you some of the best local pizza you've ever had!

  • en

    Alexis Kaminski


    I love slices. Their pizza dough is delicious. The Cheeseburger Pizza and Chicken Alfredo Pizza are a must try!

  • Curtis Correll

    Curtis Correll


    Great pizza! They deliver fast and are pretty cheap.

  • en

    Doug Francavilla


    Pizza is really good. Be sure to get some ranch with your order for dipping. Only thing that we don't like is the fact that the hours are impossible to figure out.

  • Kolme Dee

    Kolme Dee


    I wanted to love slices but it is not anything more than drunk pizza. So if you are wasted and need a snack, slices is a great option along with fuel. Aside from that you're almost better making a froZen pizza in your own oven.

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