Silva's Auto Body en Elmsford

Estados UnidosSilva's Auto Body



🕗 horarios

1, Haven Street, 10523, Elmsford, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-948-6305
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.05954, Longitude: -73.8164013

comentarios 5

  • C MB

    C MB


    I had a great experience with Silva's Auto Body. They repaired my vehicle with all OEM parts. Communication was excellent. When it comes to fixing something important, communication is everything. The repair took a certain number of days because special parts needed to be ordered, but I received daily text updates, which provided me with the reassurance I needed. On delivery day, the car looked great. They did a nice job detailing the car. I appreciate the extra mile they went as not all Auto Body shops detail your car. JoJo is also really caring. What a great employee. The way she cares for the business and her customers is really something special. I would also like to thank Stephen from Geico for his prompt and courteous service. Thank you!

  • Amy Huang Realty

    Amy Huang Realty


    Geico repair. Did a good job!

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    Dennis Kirby


    Talk about fast and friendly service... Silva's Auto Body is the BEST! They had my car ready much faster than I thought possible... and they did a beautiful job. I couldn't have asked for more! Thanks to Jojo and Tony for making the process so painless. GEICO customers: Silva's is a member of Auto Repair Xpress, so if you need auto body service, this is the place to go.

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    Aamco WhitePlains


    Even though we live in a society that seems to find that it is more fashionable to complain then compliment, I had to break away from the norm. Being in the automotive business as an owner for more than 35 yrs I have seen the best and the worst. I first met Tony Silva 5 yrs ago when one of my lifetime customers got into a bad accident with his 6 month old Mercedes. He called me for a reference and I gave him the name of a shop that I dealt with over the years. He called me back shortly and told me that the shop I recommended to him could not deal with such a late model "Exotic" and the car was already at a shop called Silvas Auto Body in Elmsford. Since he was such a good customer of mine I told him that I would run over to the shop and assess both the shop and the owner. My initial impression of both the shop and the owner were very impressive. ( It takes a lot to impress me!) Tony told me at the time that even though the car was worth over $100,000 the insurance company might total the car as the damage was so extensive. I asked Tony to keep me in the loop as this was a very good customer of mine. Tony called me back a few days later to tell me that he got the ok from the insurance company but it would probably take a few weeks to finish the car. Three weeks later my customer came to my shop to show me his car. I was truly blown away! Being a stickler for detail I spent 20 minutes looking at every thing on the car in addition to bringing it into my shop and putting it on the lift to check all the structural repairs that were done. The car looked and drove as if it just left the factory! I called Tony the next day and told him that he was my new body shop forever! Over the past couple of years I have referred dozens of my customers to Tony and got nothing back short of amazing. I was prompted however, to write this review from the last customer I just recently sent to them. My customer had a 1992 Buick that was in mint condition and got damaged on one whole side of the car. Since the car was so old he did not have insurance so he decided to fix it anyway and pay out of pocket for the repairs. Months later this customer brought the car to me for some general auto repair work and once again I was amazed at how good the car looked. When I spoke to my customer he then told me that originally he contracted and agreed with Tony on a price to fix the car and basically wind up repainting almost half the car. The customer told me that when he went to pick up the car that Tony had then informed him that he had to repaint the whole car as the paint would not match correctly as the old paint was already 25 yrs old. Tony did not charge him one cent more than what they shook hands on! If I could give Silvas Auto Body 10 stars I would! It is not often that one meets someone like Tony, I'm only sorry I did not meet him many years before.

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    Sydney Vernon


    I have been a customer of Silva's Auto Body for many years and I have always been extremely satisfied with the service and finished product they provide. They are very meticulous and detail oriented. They stand behind their work and make good on any work they perform. The shop is state of the art and well maintained in a safe and secured lot. Easy access off of the highway and main street in Elmsford. Tony the owner really cares about the people he services and his staff has been with him for several years. That alone says a lot. I would highly recommend anyone to take their vehicle to Silva's Auto Body.

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